Sunday, February 21, 2016


How can something give us long lasting pleasure in life? I don't think anything can honestly give us long lasting pleasure. From time to time everything will be going well in my life and I feel a lot pleasure. Emotionally I am so happy that everything is going great and I can express that pleasure to everyone around me. The things that are making me feel this way are everything around me. My family, boyfriend, co-workers, school; all of it comes together and it makes my day a good day. When the sun is out and there is a nice breeze sitting outside gives me pleasure. Soaking up the sun and seeing the clouds move that makes my day. From the textbook, "Aristippus asserted that because sensory pleasures are more intense than mental or emotional ones, they are the best of all", (Soccio, 160).  When I came across this text in the book I agreed with what he had to say. I could relate to his idea that sensory pleasures are the best.

In the same chapter I also came across the texts of Epicurus. He also made some remarks about pleasures in life. It stated, “Neither life nor death is good or bad in itself, Epicurus said; only the quality of our pleasures or pains is important”, (Soccio 162). By what he is saying, how is quailty better? The quality of pleasure is not something that I would even think about. I don’t think of the quality of the sun when I think about going outside to sit. I don’t think about quality when day dreaming about going on vacation. Pleasure shouldn’t be thought of as a quality.

When thinking about a pleasure you think about what is making you feel good. When you know what is making you feel good for instance the sun, no one would think about the quality of what it’s giving you.


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  2. Word count-318
    Spelling errors-0
    Grammatical errors-My family, boyfriend, co-workers, school; all of it comes together and it makes my day a good day.-My family, boyfriend, co-workers and school; comes together and improves my day.
    Lack of clarity-The writer did a great job of asking the question in the opening paragraph-How can something give us long lasting pleasures?
    Organization of ideas?-The writer should start with an outline-this may help with the organization of the paper.
    Did the author answer their question?-Author did a great job on providing many examples of pleasures but did not go into about the how.
    Did the author provide a concrete example that clearly illustrates their main point?- Yes
    How does the author’s concrete example illustrate or not illustrate their main point? The author uses many examples of what pleasures are and how quality the quality of pleasures do not give us long lasting pleasure in life but sensory pleasures do.
    Do you agree or disagree with the author’s answer and why? It was unclear to me what the author's conclusion to the question is-I do disagree that nothing can give us long lasting pleasure in life. We are conditioned to certain smells, tastes or people that can give us long lasting pleasure.
    What is a concrete example that clearly illustrates why you agree or disagree with the author? I disagree with the author that nothing can give is long lasting pleasures. Classical Conditioning is an example of this. Classical conditioning is the process of associating a smell, taste or person with something pleasurable. Therefore every time you experience that smell, taste or person it brings pleasure to you.
    What is your explanation of how your concrete example clearly illustrates your reason for why you agree or disagree with the author? An example of this would be that I grew up riding horses so every time I smell hay it brings me pleasure.

  3. I agree with my peer that I did not explain how. I was rushing to get this assignment done. I do agree about classical conditioning. I did not think about that when writing this. I do have to admit I did skip a few things and I didn't write enough. However, I do feel that I did do my best and I did write a good piece.

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  5. Pleasure's
    How can something give us long lasting pleasure in life? I don't think anything can honestly give us long lasting pleasure. From time to time everything will be going well in my life and I feel a lot pleasure. Emotionally I am so happy that everything is going great and I can express that pleasure to everyone around me. The things that are making me feel this way are everything around me. My family, boyfriend, co-workers, school; all of it comes together and it makes my day a good day. When the sun is out and there is a nice breeze sitting outside gives me pleasure. Soaking up the sun and seeing the clouds move that makes my day. {From the textbook, "Aristippus asserted that because sensory pleasures are more intense than mental or emotional ones, they are the best of all"[delete comma] (Soccio, 160). [Delete one space]When I came across this text in the book I agreed with what he had to say. I could relate to his idea that sensory pleasures are the best.}←(How does this aspect of Aristippus’s view on pleasure relate to your question, besides the fact that they are both about pleasure. In this sense, there is a disconnect between the topic of your post—the question you posed—and the reading material to which you were supposed to relate your post. In the future, you should try to be a bit more thoughtful when it comes to thinking about how your question, and answer to your question, relates to something from your readings. Don’t stay at the superficial level of, the fact that they are about the same things. This is not enough.)

    In the same chapter I also came across the texts of Epicurus. He also made some remarks about pleasures in life. It stated, “Neither life nor death is good or bad in itself, Epicurus said; only the quality of our pleasures or pains is important” [delete comma] (Soccio 162). [By what he is saying, how is quailty [quality] better?]←(It’s not clear to me exactly what you are asking. Part of this is because you are asking how quality is better, but when philosophers speak of ‘quality’ they are speaking of the way things are, in some sense, experientially. Furthermore, when someone asks if something is ‘better’ they are typically asking if that thing is better than something else. So when you ask how is quality better, it’s unclear exactly what you are asking because of the phrasing of your question.) The quality of pleasure is not something that I would even think about. I don’t think of the quality of the sun when I think about going outside to sit. I don’t think about quality when day dreaming about going on vacation. [Pleasure shouldn’t be thought of as a quality.

    When thinking about a pleasure you think about what is making you feel good. When you know what is making you feel good for instance the sun, no one would think about the quality of what it’s giving you.]←(What about the following experiences: the pleasure of reading a really great book and the pleasure of eating a really delicious meal? Do you think that these two pleasures might be different kinds of pleasures? Perhaps one is more “intellectual” than the other. If this is the case, can’t we say that the qualities of these two pleasures are different? One is more intellectual and the other is more sensual.)

    (This post is less than 500 words long)
